I always read some itineraries whenever I have plan to go somewhere far. I did the same when I have plan to go to Korea. Indonesian teenagers would think that K-pop drives me, but in fact an Indonesian man, living in Korea for as a migrant worker who drives me here.
I have my time collecting ammunition several month before I go. It was almost a year since that minimum amount in bank account is one of the requirement to get a Korea Visa. I checked the flight cost temporary so that I will never loose any cheap price and I am still hoping to minimize it as economist it could be.
Visa preparation takes time. Mine spent 6 month to prepare working letter from my supervisor, letter from the bank, formal photos and other procedural requirement. Things going unpredictable good and even though I almost loose my time. The visa arrived in my hand 5 days before the date that I ask for in the visa. No more cheap flights but the plans have made and I have to make a decision. I have walked a half of my ways to Korea, and I do not want to give up. I ordered a round trip ticket, and asked for my parent permission next day. My Mom refused of course, as general Mother does, but fortunately my father did not. It was so emotional since that my father is a strict kind of person and even more strict than my mother but why did he allow me this time is something that kept in my mind after until today. However emotional that talk was, I was not in tear because I have to keep my independent person mode in front of my parent so that no more reason to keep me home.
I drove to Pekanbaru with mass transportation and stay in a nice hotel before my first flight to Korea. For your information, I took 3 times flights. The first was flight from Pekanbaru to Jakarta, the second was Jakarta to Malaysia and the third was Malaysia to Korea. You can keep in mind that I never have a solo experience to flight abroad, so that you can feel how my heart pounding whenever the plane landed in exactly not my home country. I felt excited, but afraid at the same time since that anything could happen out of my control. My baggage could be extended and I have to pay some, and I was afraid of could not paying. I was also afraid of bring something forbid by the law in certain countries. Fortunately, I got little experience about border securities in some countries from the Master Class Bio-security.
My life is unpredictably good, right ? Everything happen out of my control but the amazing thing is everything I have in the past unconsciously prepared me to face whats gonna happen in the future. The Almighty designed my life stage so greatly.
I brought a perfume of my own and it was over than 1000 ml (the limit of liquid in the baggage) when I arrived in Malaysia. I sprayed it out at the toilet until I was sure that it was not over one hundred. I sprayed it sadly, you know... I just bough it a month ago and it was almost full (1500 ml), but my self defense told me to do so. I did it well then, I have nothing to afraid after that.
Malaysia border security was not too familiar but not too spooky as well, and I assume that how the border security should be. It does not have to make us afraid of coming but it should be enough to make us afraid of cheating. There were a Mushalla in every four gates in KLIA 2 and they are so comfortable and large and way better than we have in Pekanbaru. There was only one and always crowded in praying time. Wet everywhere and so hectic. I do not mean to be rude but I though we should compare the need of facilities with the maximum facilities we could serve. Provide a free amount to so that the facilities would be ready to cover the need in crowded time.
Back to the story, my flight delayed 5 hours and I was stuck in KLIA2 Malaysia. I was hungry but I did not have any Malaysian money and I should not throw any money in order to get safe whenever I have to paying out of control cost. I finally flight at 5 in the morning. It was not time for subuh, and I can not even praying the plane because of turbulence. Fortunately we landed safely in Korea. So smoky Korea. I guess the weather is the reason. It was winter. Incheon Airport is huge. I take a train to get to the main Airport and appeared at the 5th Gate where I finally found a charging station to charge my phone and wait for someone who is the reason why I went to Korea. I saw him first but he did not realize. He walked to me after I call him. He brought something in hand, I guess it jacket and scarf we talked about before.
We walked out of the airport and I was excited on water sprayer outside the airport and asked why they put them in winter. There was nothing, then. I did not find any machine so that the water comes naturally because it was winter. He took a cab, we drove to Ansan, he brough me to see his friends.
Should I tell you what he look like ?
He is nothing but a black hat and jacket man that I like. I am bad in measure a handsome or not handsome person but I guess he is sweet. He has chubby cheek he is not too white, he has some sun spot. He has bold eyelash, not too pointed nose, his smile is his best but he looks so ordinary. You will think that why did I afford something I did not like so badly, right ?
As you know I may like someone because he has good look but I could like someone more and more and bad way too bad when someone has proportionally way of treating people, especially the way someone treat me. How he treats me is the reason why I run to him. It was not my first time run to him. He was my crush several years ago. He is the only man who could treat me as I want to treat. I am so glad that we finally together, and I hope we belong together.
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