Tired o them

I'm so tired of the things that the boys around me talking about.. They always shares me about another people, which is not have such a connectivity with me. Are they important for me? absolutely no. They aren'tt. But it so hard for me to forbid them, the boys around me, to stop talking about another. I'm bored of that weird story. About one of them who says that he hates a girl but he always talking about her everyday with me. When I realize it, I feel like I wanna throw up. I feel like I wanna scream it in their ears. I AM SO BORED OF YOU AND YOUR STUPID STORIES!! huh, but I didn't do this, I never do this even once. All that I can to do is let this condition happen to me.
When will someone asking something about me? I want to the topics of my chat. Kapan ada yang nanyain sesuatu tentang aku? kapan ada orang yang peduli perasaanku? kapaaan kapaan? (muka dongo: kapaan)

hah, kayaknya udah mulai eneg ngetik cerocosan sendiri. udahan dulu ah.
