Hotel Review : Batiqa Pekanbaru

It is not my first time staying in this hotel actually. Several agendas I ever attended was held here and so I have very well experrience staying in this hotel.  The breakfast menus are great, especially the cinnamon croissant, it is well served here. I always look for the cinnamon croissant whenever I stay in a hotel.

I choose Batiqa today because I have early morning flight tomorrow. As I moving around many places this two years, I dont have any permanent place to live so that staying in a hotel become my last choice. Especially when it could potentially covered by the place I work for, I would choose the best place but not over than the maximum standard cost for a hotel.

This hotel located right in front of the gate of "Sultan Syarif Qasim Second" International Airport. The room I choose has airport transfer facility. I would suggest you to make sure this facilities if you consider to be earlier at the airport and want to make everything simple in the morning, you can choose the option of room included airport transfer. You should know that the price of both room with or without airport transport is almost the same, it is about how much you can get from the same price. There is nothing wrong with observing some hotel booking application, because most of them offer lower price. Right before I check the price on application, I called the receptionist number of this hotel and as you can guess, when I checked the application, they got lower price than what mentioned by the receptionist.

I chose Superior room included free airport transfer. The price on the application is up to Rp 75.000-100.000. It was excluded breakfast as my flight schedule was could not afford the time to do breakfast and the flight I chose provide breakfast on board.

Fortunately, the room was very comfortable even tough there was a noise from the main road in front of the hotel, the noise was reduced by the wall. The noise was one of the management concern. They provide earplug based on order. So glad because the room was so clean, they provide praying set, the room was so spacy, they also provide qiblah direction, the airport transfer facility is so good, so fast. 5 minutes after I checked out, they got me a car to transfer me to the airport. It was newest type of Innova 2000 cc, so comfortable. The only thing I concern is the AC at the lobby which was like turnedd off that morning. I got early morning sweat for that.

Final conclusion : Recommended !


Sebenarnya sudah beberapa kali menginap disini karena pernah kegiatan di Pekanbaru dan disediakan penginapan disini. Pilian sarapannya enak, terutama croissant cinnamonnya enak. Selalu cari itu setiap nginap di hotel. Hehe.

Kali ini menginap di Batiqa dengan pertimbangan penerbangan pagi sekali dan sejak sudah tidak berkuliah di Pekanbaru, hidup jadi tidak menentu numpang sana sini, akhirnya ketika ada fasilitas yang memungkinkan untuk menginap, langsung deh I choose not too high price but worth. Emang sih difasilitasi, tapi kalau awalnya harus pakai dana sendiri kan, kita harus liat-liat kemampuan kantong juga kan. Hihi !

Batiqa Hotel letaknya tepat banget di depan Bandara Sultan Syarif Khasim II. Ada layanan antar jemput bandara dan kalau jeli bisa juga layanan ini included dalam harga kamar yang kita pesan. Sebelum memesan, pastikan cek harga terlebih dahulu melalui berbagai aplikasi pemesanan seperti atau traveloka dll. Jangan lupa juga cek harga di hotel dengan menelepon langsung ke nomor yang biasanya nongol ketika kita browsing nama hotelnya di Google. Check and re-check harga itu penting.

Kamar yang dipesan tipenya Superior dengan Free Airport Transfer. Perbedaan harga hotel saat dipesan dengan aplikasi mencapai Rp 75.000-100.000. Jadi tau kan aku lebih milih yang mana. Oya, harga kamar yang aku pesan memang exclude sarapan pagi, dengan pertimbangan aku berangkat dari hotel itu jam setengah 6 dan di pesawat juga disediakan makanan. Jadi ya emang sengaja yang exclude sarapan.

Alhamdulillah kamarnya nyaman. Meski tengah malam agak bising sama balapan liar di jalan raya depan hotel, ga begitu terganggu karena kamarnya lumayan kedap dan musik di lorong hotel ga kedengeran sampe dalam kamar. Kebisingan ini juga ternyata sudah menjadi salah satu perhatian hotel ini dengan memberikan kertas pemberitahuan mengenai kebisingan dan bahwa mereka menyediakan penutup telinga. Kamar bersih, nyediain sajadah dan mukenah, space kamarnya lapang, bisa shalat dengan leluasa sesuai petunjuk arah kiblat dan pelayanan airport transfernya juga cepet. Begitu check in pagi jam 5.15 WIB, nunggu di lobby yang AC nya mati dan mungkin karena lampu yang hidup sepanjang hari, jadi ruang tunggu lobby nya anget banget. Syukurnya sekitar 5 menit kemudian langsung diantar ke bandara. Mobil untuk airport transfernya juga nyaman.

Recomended !

Will be back whenever possible in another trip.
My nose is kind of sensitive to the dust and mite, and this bed didn't irritate anything

Not too much channels, especially fox and fashiontv but doesn't matter I am almost never turn on tv, I love to play music instead.

What I always hope on everyhotel I stay in is the big mirror. Batiqa hotel provide them. Thanks !

Recommended !
